

企業・自治体の皆様 学生登録



Benjamin Tarquin

YAK films

“Born in the USA, to a French father and American mother, Benjamin grew up between California and France. He graduated with a Master’s degree in architecture from La Villette in Paris, then studied design the following year at Kyushu University in Fukuoka. In 2009, Ben co-founded YAK Films (YAK) with two childhood friends and began filming dancers on the streets of the USA, the birthplace of Hip Hop. Through this passion, hard work and dedication, YAK rapidly grew a steady following and is now internationally recognized for pioneering YouTube videos that feature street dancers of various genres from all over the world. While each member of YAK stands behind a camera, their success is a result of each member bringing different skills to the table. Ben, also known as ‘B’zwax’, represents the music and design aspect of YAK, producing and collecting tracks from music producers around the globe. YAK has since worked with a number of well-known companies and individuals, and as a result of documenting and sharing their content online, they have been considered innovators in local youth media.”


フランス人の父とアメリカ人の母の間にアメリカで生まれ、カリフォルニアとフランスで育つ。パリのラヴィレット建築大学にて建築の修士号を取得した後に来日し、九州大学にてデザインを学ぶ。2009年、Benは幼いころからの友人2人とYAK Filmsを立ち上げ、ヒップホップが生まれた地であるアメリカのストリートでダンス映像を撮りはじめる。








YAK films